Friday, July 5, 2013

Colorful Semantics cubes

So far bad luck this summer has a score of 3 to 0. This latest event does not involve any deaths thank goodness.  I just really want something good to happen. Maybe Super Duper will put all of their Chipper Chat products on sale this summer...that would definitely make a slight improvement in the good news category. My fingers are crossed for the Wh- set to go on sale sometime in the near future. The majority of my students could benefit from that one.
I consider these two to be my major splurge purchases of the summer. They were on clearance two weeks ago and will definitely be put to good use this coming school year. I plain to pair the vocabulary one with my EET lessons and the syntax game will help reinforce Colorful Semantics. I also made a quick little activity to help review Colorful Semantics with my older students using the same cube pattern. It includes colored blocks for whole concept review and white blocks for specific parts of speech targets. They can roll the block to come up with sentences.
Here's a copy for you


  1. These look great! Thanks! I love to use blocks like this!

  2. I just discovered Colorful Semantics. Love the idea. Do you ever see confusion from the kids between the CS colors and those for EET.

    1. Not really, but I do my best to teach one before the other so my students understand that the difference. They are for different things and it's important to tell them that the colors can be used for vocabulary this way and for parts of speech in another.

  3. I was looking for a link and was about to comment when I found 'heres a copy for you' :) Thanks this looks great

    1. You're very welcome. I do that for all of my files. :)
