Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Snails for Summer...

April is going to be a month of craziness. It's the month that my district does kindergarten screenings. We're minus two SLPs so it means that the rest of us get to go to almost every elementary school. I look at this time as a good way to meet incoming students and a chance to watch my coworkers in action. Yes, part of me misses the way we could observe each other in graduate school. It's a great way to pick up little tricks that most of us wouldn't consider out of the ordinary (heck, I doubt we would even think they'd be worth a blog post...but to someone else they are indeed). The screenings also speak volumes about each individual school. As far as I can tell, it is up to members of the schools to organize screenings and the approaches vary widely. I've seen schools that go all out trying to drum up excitement in the children (Hollywood theme) and ones that are extremely disorganized. 

This week I am trying to make a few things ahead of time for May as well as playing catch up on Medicaid billing. Two of them are still in the works but the first one is done. Snails for summer is loosely based on a summer camp theme. The packet has general vocabulary word cards that can be used to describe/define/create a sentence, wh- questions, a few following directions tasks, and a naming task. My aim is to make this packet non-specific so I can use it with several different stories. You can grab your copy here.

There are some suggestions for books and other free resources  on the second page. 
Hope you enjoy!


  1. What a great idea! Thank you for sharing. I love that you included a book list! This will be perfect for a few of my students!

    1. You're welcome! Hope your students enjoy it!
