Thursday, March 7, 2013


Tomorrow is a teacher workday. Yay! I'm looking forward to getting caught up with my Medicaid billing, plans of care, and evaluation reports. The chance of me getting everything accomplished is not terribly high, but at least I can get a good chunk of this stuff done. It also gives me time to recover from the wildness of the week. I guess my students have spring fever because their behavior has been extremely chaotic this week. I ended up having to take out pom-poms from my "Kiss Your Brain" jar. They just managed to get within 3 pom-poms of having it full too. (When it's full, I let every student go to the prize box.) 

My biggest excitement came from another "surprise" transfer student who's 90 day timeline for initial placement is almost up. An hour of testing, 45 minutes of trying to figure out what happened to previous bilingual testing results, and quite a bit of stress-eating later the assessment crisis was over.*Whew* All I can say is that it is a serious blessing when staff at the previous school is thoughtful enough to let us (the ENTIRE team) know about transfers in the middle of the referral process. I wish it happened more often and thank you to those of you who do respect the sanity of your fellow SLPs. 

The best news for today comes from the fact that I finally finished one of my Easter-related ideas. Egg-tastic! is something I created for my 3-5 grade groups. It has some social skills activities, categorization tasks, and sentence ordering tasks. As always, you can grab of copy of it here

P.S. The Dabbling Speechie has a really great idea on her blog for reminding articulation students to pay attention to their sound production with thought bubbles. You can easily adapt this visual cue for language activities as well, such as making a set for pronouns or smileys for sentence formulation. I prepared my articulation set today and am just waiting to get them laminated.


  1. Thank you for your generous freebie! It is very much appreciated!

  2. Thank you for sharing such a great package of material! Very grateful! :-)

  3. Thanks for the shout out....I love the language goal reminder idea. I will have to try to make some! You have a great thrifty ideas.

