Friday, April 4, 2014

Giving grammar a little sparkle...

I will admit that I got a little ahead of myself back in January when I thought of all the wonderful things I wanted to make this year. My top priority was a new set of syntax cards to use with my older students. Sadly, all of my students with grammar goals have either graduated or moved since I started this project. There's no use in crying over spilled milk so I decided to keep working on the cards for future students to come. I'm very proud that I've managed to get through the first set!

I couldn't imagine a better way to celebrate becoming a Speechie Freebie collaborator than by sharing this noun activity with you. 

The goal of the packet is to have students identify words based on the specific grammar target. You can have the students circle or highlight the words. Plus, there is absolutely nothing wrong with talking about the other word types they can find in each sentence. I would just use a different color for each word type that you use consistently in sessions (I use the Colorful Semantics scheme). Level one cards are simple sentences that contain fewer words. Level two cards are slightly harder. 

Grab your copy of I Mustache You to Find the Nouns here.

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