Thursday, May 24, 2012

New to me

Yesterday, I felt like I hit the jackpot during my lunch break. One of the EC teachers cleaned out the closet in her room and left three huge boxes of old supplies in our workroom. I don't know if all schools do this, but at my school this is an open invitation to grab some new materials for my room.

I snagged several old phonics readers from the 1970s that are PERFECT for carryover activities with my articulation groups. (The Seal, Spot, Tim, Ed, The Mitten, The Surprise). I like that the text is simple, repetitive, and has several sounds that I can target in each book. I used one today, The Seal, with one of my kindergarten groups. It was a great way to have them speak in sentences about Neal the seal as he tried to go home to his owner. We also retold the story, which is great for sequencing activities.

The next thing I snapped up is a wh- question game. The kids can develop questions or formulate sentences. This will be great for a student that I'm about to pick up.

Lastly, I grabbed a brand new social studies card deck. Each card has a picture of a person performing some type of activities. There are so many ways to use this kind of material. Have the students ask each other questions to figure out which card they have, using pronouns, building vocabulary, formulating sentences...etc.

It was a great haul!

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