
Sunday, September 28, 2014

I'm drowning in picture cards.

 The one bad thing about being a fan of homemade materials.....

I have a million picture cards to cut out, glue to construction paper, 
cut out again, laminate, and cut out again.

I think I may have finally met my match in making these colorful semantics cards. 
I'm drowning in a sea of colorful construction paper.

What was I thinking?!?


  1. Unfortunately, I don't make my cards as pretty as you do. I laminate the whole page, then cut out the cards. I'm still drowning in feet of laminated cards!

    1. Aww, thank you, Jennifer. I don't think they would be nearly as pretty if it weren't for using a border around each card. It's the only way I manage. I'm really beginning to think piles of lamination are one of our biggest occupational hazards outside of paperwork. Good luck with your pile!

  2. I recently starting printing on colored card stock (or in color on white card stock)...this saved me from the extra step of backing on construction paper and I can still color code. It has saved me time and frustration!

    1. If I had my own printer, I would definitely be doing that. It's so much easier and prettier to make cards that way. I just refuse to pay for all of that ink out of my own pocket.
