
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Blog Nomination

I want to give a special shout out to Tai Patrice over at Speech Chic and Alicia at Chalk Talk. They nominated Miss Thrifty SLP for 2 awards!!

For receiving these awards I must...

1. Follow the person who gave me the award
2. Link back 
3. Thank the blogger who nominated me 
4. Include the award image in my post
5. Give 7 random facts about myself
 6. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award
7. When nominating, include a link to the blog
8. Let other bloggers know they've been nominated

My 7 Random Facts:
1. I would LOVE to go to United Kingdom for an extended vacation. It's been a long time dream of mine.
2. If I could do anything in the world without having to worry about an income, it would be studying cultural history. My heart will always be yearning to learn more about literature as a reflection of historical periods, particularly as a tool for imperialist propaganda. That being said, I love my current field and have very few regrets about choosing a different path.
3. My cat responds to me whistling rather than calling out his name. (Granted, he's the only one out of five that responds to me calling out at all.)
4. I'm a book/craft-based therapist. I rarely use games in my therapy sessions other than as a reinforcer.
5. I went two years without eating any potatoes and lost a bunch of weight. (Unfortunately, I need to do another round of dieting)
6. I like to watch House Hunters.
7.  Best pizza ever! It's the only frozen pizza I will eat now.

15 Blogs: 
1. Sublime Speech 
2. Public School SLPs
3. Speech Room News
4. Speak Jane Speak
5. Crazy Speech World
6. Speaking of Kids
7. Mommy Speech Therapy
8. Speech Lady Liz
9. Speech in Room 214
10. Carrie's Speech Corner
11. Adventures in Tutoring & Special Education
12. Speech/Language? There's an App for that
13. Heard in Speech
14. The Speech Spot
15. Chapel Hill Snippets

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