
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Social Thinking and Inclusion

Sick days are never fun, but they are terribly bad when you have a restless brain. So I thought I would share a little bit of what I'm doing in four classrooms. Co-Teaching Time! (Yes, I am crazy. I've never co-taught before and somehow I'm now doing it in four classrooms.)

I'm using the Social Thinking Curriculum to address multiple goals in the classroom. How? I co-teach during writing blocks. Every day I go into the classroom, I incorporate a writing task into what we are learning about with the books. We're just wrapping up the Social Detective portion of the lessons.

Writing Targets:
What are your smarts? (I passed out a little brain diagram that I traced from the book for this)
What is something expected that you've done recently? How did the person/people around you react?
What is something unexpected that you've done? How could you change it into something expected?
What is something you want people to use their social smarts to know about you?

Social Detective print outs for Notebooks
1. Social Detective Vocabulary
2. Expected vs. Unexpected Handout

Video Activities for writing
1. Smart Guess Handout (scroll to the end section for the chart with the smart guess tools). They complete this diagram for each video clip that I show them.
1. For the Birds
2. Mike's New Car
3. Toy Story Toon- Small Fry
4. Air Mater

Once we finish looking at the video clips with our smart guess tools, it will be time to jump into the Superflex series. I've got a few things in mind already to go along with the main program....

SuperFlex print outs for Notebooks
I'm a Flexible Thinker

1. Social Detective Scavenger Hunt

1. Group Plan vs. Own Plan
2. Talking vs. Thinking Bubbles