
Monday, September 14, 2015

Which Gnome???

This school year, I feel like I am going back to the basics that I used during my CFY. I'm learning the needs of some 45 students (for now) and facing new challenges. Simple activities are high on my radar. I want something quick so that I have a variety of materials to hold their attention. Sometimes it is easier said than done to find these....but I think my latest creation hits the nail on the head. 

Which Gnome? is a quick game to practice pronouns and speaking in simple sentences. The first part of the activity consists of simple drilling cards. Students can point to the correct gnome or say the appropriate pronoun after you present the sentence.

The second portion of this activity consists of a full black and white pages. Students cut and paste the objects on the bottom to the gnome picture. My students have to tell me a complete sentence  with a pronoun before they get to paste the object to the picture scene. Once all the pictures are attached, I let them color the picture and take home for additional practice.

Grab your copy of Which Gnome here.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Lifestyles of a commuting SLP

The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before
It always leads me here
Lead me to you door...

Commuting-- Everyone's favorite nightmare regardless of whether or not you have a long drive. I was considerably blessed to spend the past four years driving just six miles from my former house. The traffic made the trip usually run about 15 minutes each way. Now that I've moved, I get to enjoy a 30 minute drive to and from my new school. Luckily, I get to enjoy one of the most spectacular views that I've ever known on my daily trips. It is a constant reminder of how small my problems are in comparison to the world around me.

But, it also leads me to wonder what other SLPs with long commutes do....Surely, I am not the only one who has these thoughts on the way to work. I guess I could ask in one of the plethoras of facebook groups, but I think it means more to me to simply share my musings on here.

A few ideas for commuting SLPs

  1. Jam out to music 
  2. Listen to radio talk shows
  3. Plan out future shopping trips
  4. Plan out what you want to do for the day
  5. Listen to audiobooks
My biggest struggle with the commute is figuring out how to come home with enough energy left to cook. I am afraid to admit that we have been eating out far too much lately. Oh well, we can't be perfect all the time!