
Sunday, January 22, 2012


I've been trying to find neat activities and materials online for several months now. It wasn't until I heard about pinterest in passing on facebook that I hit the jackpot. There are so many incredible finds on that site and I would encourage all newly minted SLPs to use the site as a great resource for creative thinking when your own gets a little tired.

In good news, I finally received my diploma from graduate school. It's been several months of waiting. I can now display it in my computer area at home as I'm worried about little hands being a bit too rough with it at school.

Monday, January 9, 2012

It's been a while

I'm pretty slow at updating this page. However, I think it's reasonable when you think of the break and all of the IEP meetings I'm working on. Spring is going to be even crazier.

In the meantime, I am loving pinterest and how many cool teaching blogs I've found with creative ideas to convert for therapy. :)

I'm making a new page for those.